

Add a deploy key to a GitLab project.

This can be used to authorize your (or a host-) ssh public key to be able to pull from private repositories, or push a public or private repository. Useful for CI pipelines and such.


Name Type Default Description


string --

The Gitlab access token. Required


string --

The name of the Gitlab project. Required


string --

The Gitlab user- or organization name. Required


string --

The content of the public ssh key. Required


string --

The path to the private ssh key.

The path to the public key will be infered (added '.pub'). Required


integer 4096

The number of bits in the key to create.


boolean False

Whether the key in question is allowed to push to the repo.


string deploy

The title of the deploy key on Gitlab.


string --

The password to unlock the key (only used if key doesn't exist already).


string ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

The absolute path to the private ssh key. The key type token (e.g. rsa) will be added.

The path to the public key will be infered (added '.pub').


string --

The name of the ssh key owner.


  short_help: Add a deploy key to a GitLab project.
  help: |
    Add a deploy key to a GitLab project.

    This can be used to authorize your (or a host-) ssh public key to be able to pull from private repositories, or push a public or private repository. Useful for CI pipelines and such.

  _import: ssh-key-exists
      short_help: The content of the public ssh key.
    type: string
    required: true
    excludes: path
      short_help: The path to the private ssh key.
      help: |
        The path to the private ssh key.

        The path to the public key will be infered (added '.pub').
    type: string
    required: true
    excludes: key_content
      short_help: The Gitlab access token.
    type: string
    required: true
    secret: true
      short_help: The Gitlab user- or organization name.
    type: string
    required: true
      short_help: The name of the Gitlab project.
    type: string
    required: true
      short_help: The title of the deploy key on Gitlab.
    type: string
    required: false
    default: deploy
      short_help: Whether the key in question is allowed to push to the repo.
    type: boolean
    default: false
      - --can-push

- ssh-key-exists:
#      frecklet::skip: "{{:: path_to_key | true_if_empty ::}}"
    path: '{{:: path_to_key ::}}'
    password: '{{:: password ::}}'
    user: '{{:: user ::}}'
    key_type: rsa
    bits: '{{:: bits ::}}'
- frecklet:
    type: ansible-tasklist
      elevated: false
      internet: true
      idempotent: true
      short: "add deploy key with alias '{{:: deploy_key_title ::}}' to GitLab project\
        \ '{{:: gitlab_user ::}}/{{:: gitlab_project ::}}'"
      long: |
        {%:: if path -::%}
        Read the public key file '{{:: path_to_key ::}}.pub' and use the the content to create or overwrite a trusted deploy key for the specified GitLab project, using the following details:{%:: else -::%}
        Use the 'key_content' string ( {{:: key_content ::}} ) to create or overwrite a trusted deploy key for the specifieed GitLab project, using the following details:{%:: endif ::%}

            gitlab access token: <your secret token>
            gitlab user/organization: {{:: gitlab_user ::}}
            gitlab project: {{:: gitlab_project ::}}
            deploy key alias: {{:: deploy_key_title ::}}
            'push' allowed for key: {{:: can_push ::}}
        GitLab deploy key documentation:
      - python-gitlab
    become: false
    __path_to_key__: '{{:: path_to_key ::}}'
    __key_content__: '{{:: key_content ::}}'
    __project_name__: '{{:: gitlab_user ::}}/{{:: gitlab_project ::}}'
    __gitlab_private_access_token__: '{{:: access_token ::}}'
    __deploy_key_title__: '{{:: deploy_key_title ::}}'
    __can_push__: '{{:: can_push ::}}'
    __use_become__: '{{:: user | false_if_empty ::}}'
frecklecute gitlab-project-deploy-key-authorized --help

Usage: frecklecute gitlab-project-deploy-key-authorized [OPTIONS]

  Add a deploy key to a GitLab project.

  This can be used to authorize your (or a host-) ssh public key to be able
  to pull from private repositories, or push a public or private repository.
  Useful for CI pipelines and such.

  --access-token ACCESS_TOKEN     The Gitlab access token.  [required]
  --gitlab-project GITLAB_PROJECT
                                  The name of the Gitlab project.  [required]
  --gitlab-user GITLAB_USER       The Gitlab user- or organization name.
  -b, --bits BITS                 The number of bits in the key to create.
  --can-push                      Whether the key in question is allowed to
                                  push to the repo.
  --deploy-key-title DEPLOY_KEY_TITLE
                                  The title of the deploy key on Gitlab.
  --key-content KEY_CONTENT       The content of the public ssh key.
  --password PASSWORD             The password to unlock the key (only used if
                                  key doesn't exist already).
  --path PATH                     The (absolute!) path (without key_type
                                  token) to the (private) ssh key.
  --path-to-key PATH_TO_KEY       The path to the private ssh key.
  --user USER                     The name of the ssh key owner.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.gitlab_project_deploy_key_authorized.GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized(AutoPycklet):
    """Add a deploy key to a GitLab project.

     This can be used to authorize your (or a host-) ssh public key to be able to pull from private repositories, or push a public or private repository. Useful for CI pipelines and such.

         access_token: The Gitlab access token.
         bits: The number of bits in the key to create.
         can_push: Whether the key in question is allowed to push to the repo.
         deploy_key_title: The title of the deploy key on Gitlab.
         gitlab_project: The name of the Gitlab project.
         gitlab_user: The Gitlab user- or organization name.
         key_content: The content of the public ssh key.
         password: The password to unlock the key (only used if key doesn't exist already).
         path: The (absolute!) path (without key_type token) to the (private) ssh key.
         path_to_key: The path to the private ssh key.
         user: The name of the ssh key owner.


    FRECKLET_ID = "gitlab-project-deploy-key-authorized"

    access_token: str = None
    bits: int = None
    can_push: bool = None
    deploy_key_title: str = None
    gitlab_project: str = None
    gitlab_user: str = None
    key_content: str = None
    password: str = None
    path: str = None
    path_to_key: str = None
    user: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized, self).__init__(var_names=["access_token", "bits", "can_push", "deploy_key_title", "gitlab_project", "gitlab_user", "key_content", "password", "path", "path_to_key", "user"])

frecklet_class = GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.gitlab_project_deploy_key_authorized.GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized(AutoPycklet):
    """Add a deploy key to a GitLab project.

     This can be used to authorize your (or a host-) ssh public key to be able to pull from private repositories, or push a public or private repository. Useful for CI pipelines and such.

         access_token: The Gitlab access token.
         bits: The number of bits in the key to create.
         can_push: Whether the key in question is allowed to push to the repo.
         deploy_key_title: The title of the deploy key on Gitlab.
         gitlab_project: The name of the Gitlab project.
         gitlab_user: The Gitlab user- or organization name.
         key_content: The content of the public ssh key.
         password: The password to unlock the key (only used if key doesn't exist already).
         path: The (absolute!) path (without key_type token) to the (private) ssh key.
         path_to_key: The path to the private ssh key.
         user: The name of the ssh key owner.


    FRECKLET_ID = "gitlab-project-deploy-key-authorized"

    def __init__(self, access_token=None, bits=4096, can_push=None, deploy_key_title="deploy", gitlab_project=None, gitlab_user=None, key_content=None, password=None, path="~/.ssh/id_ed25519", path_to_key=None, user=None):

        super(GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized, self).__init__(var_names=["access_token", "bits", "can_push", "deploy_key_title", "gitlab_project", "gitlab_user", "key_content", "password", "path", "path_to_key", "user"])
        self._access_token = access_token
        self._bits = bits
        self._can_push = can_push
        self._deploy_key_title = deploy_key_title
        self._gitlab_project = gitlab_project
        self._gitlab_user = gitlab_user
        self._key_content = key_content
        self._password = password
        self._path = path
        self._path_to_key = path_to_key
        self._user = user

    def access_token(self):
        return self._access_token

    def access_token(self, access_token):
        self._access_token = access_token

    def bits(self):
        return self._bits

    def bits(self, bits):
        self._bits = bits

    def can_push(self):
        return self._can_push

    def can_push(self, can_push):
        self._can_push = can_push

    def deploy_key_title(self):
        return self._deploy_key_title

    def deploy_key_title(self, deploy_key_title):
        self._deploy_key_title = deploy_key_title

    def gitlab_project(self):
        return self._gitlab_project

    def gitlab_project(self, gitlab_project):
        self._gitlab_project = gitlab_project

    def gitlab_user(self):
        return self._gitlab_user

    def gitlab_user(self, gitlab_user):
        self._gitlab_user = gitlab_user

    def key_content(self):
        return self._key_content

    def key_content(self, key_content):
        self._key_content = key_content

    def password(self):
        return self._password

    def password(self, password):
        self._password = password

    def path(self):
        return self._path

    def path(self, path):
        self._path = path

    def path_to_key(self):
        return self._path_to_key

    def path_to_key(self, path_to_key):
        self._path_to_key = path_to_key

    def user(self):
        return self._user

    def user(self, user):
        self._user = user

frecklet_class = GitlabProjectDeployKeyAuthorized