

# Checkout 'freckles' sources into '/home/markus/projects/freckles-dev' & setup a development environment for it.
- freckles-dev-project:
    project_base: /home/markus/projects/freckles-dev


Prepare freckles dev project locally.

Uses pyenv to install Python and create a virtualenv named 'freckles-dev'. Clone/pull all required dependency projects into the project folder, then install them into the virtualenv.

Also create a freckles context called 'freckles-dev', which points to all the development frecklets and resources, and sets the 'keep_run_folder' context configuration value to 'true'. To be used like:

frecklecute -c freckles-dev user-exists markus

Note: you still need to 'unlock' ('freckles context unlock') the context if you haven't done so yet, to be able to change this context.

Also create a file called '.python-version' in the project base, so that pyenv always loads the 'freckles-dev' virtualenv automatically when the user visits this folder.

Finally, create a frecklet in the '.freckles' sub-folder, called 'update-freckles-dev', which lets you pull all relevant git repositories with one command:

frecklecute -c freckles-dev update-freckles-dev

Note: the first time you do this might take a while because freckles runtime dependencies will be installed


Name Type Default Description


string --

The base folder for the project sources (needs to be absolute!). Required


Example 1

Checkout 'freckles' sources into '/home/markus/projects/freckles-dev' & setup a development environment for it.

- freckles-dev-project:
    project_base: /home/markus/projects/freckles-dev


  short_help: Prepare freckles dev project locally.
  help: |
    Prepare freckles dev project locally.

    Uses [pyenv]( to install Python and create a virtualenv named 'freckles-dev'. Clone/pull all required dependency projects into the project folder, then
    install them into the virtualenv.

    Also create a freckles context called 'freckles-dev', which points to all the development
    frecklets and resources, and sets the 'keep_run_folder' context configuration value to 'true'.
    To be used like:

        frecklecute -c freckles-dev user-exists markus

    Note: you still need to 'unlock' ('freckles context unlock') the context if you haven't done so yet, to be able to change this context.

    Also create a file called '.python-version' in the project base, so that pyenv always loads
    the 'freckles-dev' virtualenv automatically when the user visits this folder.

    Finally, create a frecklet in the '.freckles' sub-folder, called 'update-freckles-dev', which
    lets you pull all relevant git repositories with one command:

        frecklecute -c freckles-dev update-freckles-dev

    Note: the first time you do this might take a while because freckles runtime dependencies will be installed
  - title: Checkout 'freckles' sources into '/home/markus/projects/freckles-dev' &
      setup a development environment for it.
      project_base: /home/markus/projects/freckles-dev

  _import: freckles-dev-sources-synced

- freckles-dev-sources-synced:
    project_base: '{{:: project_base ::}}'
- file-with-content:
    path: ~/.config/freckles/freckles-dev.context
    content: |
      keep_run_folder: true
        - "frecklet::{{:: project_base ::}}/frecklets/nsbl/frecklets"
        - "ansible-role::{{:: project_base ::}}/frecklets/nsbl/resources/roles"
        - "frecklet::{{:: project_base ::}}/frecklets/nsbl-community/frecklets"
        - "ansible-role::{{:: project_base ::}}/frecklets/nsbl-community/resources/roles"
        - "ansible-tasklist::{{:: project_base ::}}/frecklets/nsbl/resources/ansible-tasklists"
        - "tempting::{{:: project_base ::}}/frecklets/temptings"
        - "./.freckles"
- python-virtualenv:
    python_type: pyenv
    venv_name: freckles-dev
    python_version: 3.7.3
    pip_extra_args: --extra-index-url --pre -e
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/frutils'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/frkl'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/ting'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/frkl-pkg'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/freckles[develop,docs,testing]'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/tempting'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/nsbl'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/freckles-adapter-nsbl'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/freckles-cli'
    - '{{:: project_base ::}}/pyckles'
- file-with-content:
    path: '{{:: project_base ::}}/.python-version'
    content: |
- file-with-content:
    path: '{{:: project_base ::}}/.freckles/update-freckles-dev.frecklet'
    content: |
      #! /usr/bin/env frecklecute
        short_help: "Update freckles dev project at: {{:: project_base ::}}."
        - freckles-dev-sources-synced:
            project_base: "{{:: project_base ::}}"
frecklecute freckles-dev-project --help

Usage: frecklecute freckles-dev-project [OPTIONS] PROJECT_BASE

  Prepare freckles dev project locally.

  Uses [pyenv]( to install Python and create
  a virtualenv named 'freckles-dev'. Clone/pull all required dependency
  projects into the project folder, then install them into the virtualenv.

  Also create a freckles context called 'freckles-dev', which points to all
  the development frecklets and resources, and sets the 'keep_run_folder'
  context configuration value to 'true'. To be used like:

      frecklecute -c freckles-dev user-exists markus

  Note: you still need to 'unlock' ('freckles context unlock') the context
  if you haven't done so yet, to be able to change this context.

  Also create a file called '.python-version' in the project base, so that
  pyenv always loads the 'freckles-dev' virtualenv automatically when the
  user visits this folder.

  Finally, create a frecklet in the '.freckles' sub-folder, called 'update-
  freckles-dev', which lets you pull all relevant git repositories with one

      frecklecute -c freckles-dev update-freckles-dev

  Note: the first time you do this might take a while because freckles
  runtime dependencies will be installed

  --help  Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.freckles_dev_project.FrecklesDevProject

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class FrecklesDevProject(AutoPycklet):
    """Prepare freckles dev project locally.

     Uses [pyenv]( to install Python and create a virtualenv named 'freckles-dev'. Clone/pull all required dependency projects into the project folder, then
     install them into the virtualenv.

     Also create a freckles context called 'freckles-dev', which points to all the development
     frecklets and resources, and sets the 'keep_run_folder' context configuration value to 'true'.
     To be used like:

         frecklecute -c freckles-dev user-exists markus

     Note: you still need to 'unlock' ('freckles context unlock') the context if you haven't done so yet, to be able to change this context.

     Also create a file called '.python-version' in the project base, so that pyenv always loads
     the 'freckles-dev' virtualenv automatically when the user visits this folder.

     Finally, create a frecklet in the '.freckles' sub-folder, called 'update-freckles-dev', which
     lets you pull all relevant git repositories with one command:

         frecklecute -c freckles-dev update-freckles-dev

     Note: the first time you do this might take a while because freckles runtime dependencies will be installed

         project_base: The base folder for the project sources (needs to be absolute!).


    FRECKLET_ID = "freckles-dev-project"

    project_base: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(FrecklesDevProject, self).__init__(var_names=["project_base"])

frecklet_class = FrecklesDevProject
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.freckles_dev_project.FrecklesDevProject

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class FrecklesDevProject(AutoPycklet):
    """Prepare freckles dev project locally.

     Uses [pyenv]( to install Python and create a virtualenv named 'freckles-dev'. Clone/pull all required dependency projects into the project folder, then
     install them into the virtualenv.

     Also create a freckles context called 'freckles-dev', which points to all the development
     frecklets and resources, and sets the 'keep_run_folder' context configuration value to 'true'.
     To be used like:

         frecklecute -c freckles-dev user-exists markus

     Note: you still need to 'unlock' ('freckles context unlock') the context if you haven't done so yet, to be able to change this context.

     Also create a file called '.python-version' in the project base, so that pyenv always loads
     the 'freckles-dev' virtualenv automatically when the user visits this folder.

     Finally, create a frecklet in the '.freckles' sub-folder, called 'update-freckles-dev', which
     lets you pull all relevant git repositories with one command:

         frecklecute -c freckles-dev update-freckles-dev

     Note: the first time you do this might take a while because freckles runtime dependencies will be installed

         project_base: The base folder for the project sources (needs to be absolute!).


    FRECKLET_ID = "freckles-dev-project"

    def __init__(self, project_base=None):

        super(FrecklesDevProject, self).__init__(var_names=["project_base"])
        self._project_base = project_base

    def project_base(self):
        return self._project_base

    def project_base(self, project_base):
        self._project_base = project_base

frecklet_class = FrecklesDevProject