

# Download/install the Consul executable and create, enable and start a systemd service unit for it.
- consul-service:
    enabled: true
    started: true


Create a user named 'consul' (if necessary), download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

It is recommended to create the approriate Consul server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/consul.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.



Name Type Default Description


string --

The architecture of the host system.


dict --

The consul configuration.


string --

The (absolute) path to the parent folder of the downloaded executable file.


boolean --

Whether to enable the service.


string --

The platform of the host system.


boolean --

Whether to start the service.


string 1.5.3

The version of consul to install.


Example 1

Download/install the Consul executable and create, enable and start a systemd service unit for it.

- consul-service:
    enabled: true
    started: true

This creates a user 'consul' (if it doesn't exist), then installs the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' (for the Linux/amd64 platform/architecture). Then a systemd service unit 'consul' is created, started and enabled, with the recommended settings for Consul. Consul server/client configuration file(s) are created separately, beforehand, in this case.

Example 2

Install Consul & Consul service, incl. configuration.

- consul-service:
    enabled: true
    started: true
      encrypt: Tp9B4ByL9pGHYmprFZi/0Q==
      datacenter: dc1
      data_dir: /var/lib/consul
      retry_join: '[""]'

Similar to the above example, except that a consul configuration file ('/etc/consul.d/consul.hcl') is created in the same step. This does not parse any config option, so you have to create folders ('/var/lib/consul' in this example) and such yourself beforehand. Also, not that all the key values need to be strings, as they will just be copied as they are into the configuration file (the 'retry_join' list in this example). Usually, it's a better approach to construct the config file beforehand, separately.


  short_help: Install Hashicorp Consul and run as service.
  help: |
    Create a user named 'consul' (if necessary), download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a
    systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

    It is recommended to create the approriate Consul server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/consul.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.
    consul deployment guide:
  - title: Download/install the Consul executable and create, enable and start a systemd
      service unit for it.
    desc: |
      This creates a user 'consul' (if it doesn't exist), then installs the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' (for the Linux/amd64 platform/architecture). Then a systemd service unit 'consul' is created, started and enabled, with the recommended settings for Consul. Consul server/client configuration file(s) are created separately, beforehand, in this case.
      enabled: true
      started: true
  - title: Install Consul & Consul service, incl. configuration.
    desc: |
      Similar to the above example, except that a consul configuration file ('/etc/consul.d/consul.hcl') is created in the same step. This does not parse any config option, so you have to create folders ('/var/lib/consul' in this example) and such yourself beforehand. Also, not that all the key values need to be strings, as they will just be copied as they are into the configuration file (the 'retry_join' list in this example). Usually, it's a better approach to construct the config file beforehand, separately.
      enabled: true
      started: true
        encrypt: Tp9B4ByL9pGHYmprFZi/0Q==
        datacenter: dc1
        data_dir: /var/lib/consul
        retry_join: '[""]'

  - consul-installed
  - systemd-service-unit
      short_help: The consul configuration.
    type: dict
    empty: false
    required: false
      type: string

- user-exists:
    name: consul
    group: consul
      #system_user: true
- consul-installed:
    version: '{{:: version ::}}'
    dest: '{{:: dest ::}}'
    platform: '{{:: platform ::}}'
    arch: '{{:: arch ::}}'
    owner: root
    group: root
- config-values-in-file:
    frecklet::skip: '{{ consul_config | true_if_empty }}'
    path: /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
    owner: consul
    group: consul
    mode: '0640'
    config: '{{:: consul_config ::}}'
- systemd-service-unit:
    name: consul
    unit_description: HashiCorp Consul - A service mesh solution
    - condition_type: FileNotEmpty
      condition: /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
    service_user: consul
    service_group: consul
    service_exec_start: /usr/local/bin/consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d/
    service_exec_reload: /usr/local/bin/consul reload
    service_kill_mode: process
    service_restart: on-failure
    - limit_type: NOFILE
      limit: 65536
    enabled: '{{:: enabled ::}}'
    started: '{{:: started ::}}'
frecklecute consul-service --help

Usage: frecklecute consul-service [OPTIONS]

  Create a user named 'consul' (if necessary), download the Consul binary
  into '/usr/local/bin' and create a systemd service unit ('consul') and
  enable/start it if so specified.

  It is recommended to create the approriate Consul server/client
  configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/consul.d'), but this frecklet
  also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.

  --arch ARCH                    The architecture of the host system.
  --consul-config CONSUL_CONFIG  The consul configuration.
  --dest DEST                    The (absolute) path to the parent folder of
                                 the downloaded executable file.
  --enabled / --no-enabled       Whether to enable the service.
  --platform PLATFORM            The platform of the host system.
  --started / --no-started       Whether to start the service.
  --version VERSION              The version of consul to install.
  --help                         Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.consul_service.ConsulService

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class ConsulService(AutoPycklet):
    """Create a user named 'consul' (if necessary), download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a
     systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

     It is recommended to create the approriate Consul server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/consul.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.

         arch: The architecture of the host system.
         consul_config: The consul configuration.
         dest: The (absolute) path to the parent folder of the downloaded executable file.
         enabled: Whether to enable the service.
         platform: The platform of the host system.
         started: Whether to start the service.
         version: The version of consul to install.


    FRECKLET_ID = "consul-service"

    arch: str = None
    consul_config: Dict = None
    dest: str = None
    enabled: bool = None
    platform: str = None
    started: bool = None
    version: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(ConsulService, self).__init__(var_names=["arch", "consul_config", "dest", "enabled", "platform", "started", "version"])

frecklet_class = ConsulService
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.consul_service.ConsulService

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class ConsulService(AutoPycklet):
    """Create a user named 'consul' (if necessary), download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a
     systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

     It is recommended to create the approriate Consul server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/consul.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.

         arch: The architecture of the host system.
         consul_config: The consul configuration.
         dest: The (absolute) path to the parent folder of the downloaded executable file.
         enabled: Whether to enable the service.
         platform: The platform of the host system.
         started: Whether to start the service.
         version: The version of consul to install.


    FRECKLET_ID = "consul-service"

    def __init__(self, arch=None, consul_config=None, dest=None, enabled=None, platform=None, started=None, version="1.5.3"):

        super(ConsulService, self).__init__(var_names=["arch", "consul_config", "dest", "enabled", "platform", "started", "version"])
        self._arch = arch
        self._consul_config = consul_config
        self._dest = dest
        self._enabled = enabled
        self._platform = platform
        self._started = started
        self._version = version

    def arch(self):
        return self._arch

    def arch(self, arch):
        self._arch = arch

    def consul_config(self):
        return self._consul_config

    def consul_config(self, consul_config):
        self._consul_config = consul_config

    def dest(self):
        return self._dest

    def dest(self, dest):
        self._dest = dest

    def enabled(self):
        return self._enabled

    def enabled(self, enabled):
        self._enabled = enabled

    def platform(self):
        return self._platform

    def platform(self, platform):
        self._platform = platform

    def started(self):
        return self._started

    def started(self, started):
        self._started = started

    def version(self):
        return self._version

    def version(self, version):
        self._version = version

frecklet_class = ConsulService