

Configuration for the 'zile' text editor


Name Type Default Description


string --

The path to the file. Required


boolean False

If non-nil, Auto Fill Mode is automatically enabled. Default value is nil.


string nil

The directory for backup files, which must exist. If this variable is nil, the backup is made in the original file's directory. This value is used only when `make-backup-files' is t. Default value is nil.


boolean True

Non-nil means searches ignore case. Default value is t.


boolean True

'true' means 'query-replace' shold preserve case in replacements


integer 70

Column beyond which automatic line-wrapping should happen. Automatically becomes buffer-local when set in any fashion. Default value is 70.


string --

The group of the file.


boolean False

if 'true', highlight region even in nonselected windows


boolean True

If non-nil, insert-tab inserts "real" tabs; otherwise, it always inserts spaces. Default value is t.


boolean False

Non-nil inhibits the startup screen. It also inhibits display of the initial message in the `scratch' buffer. Default value is nil.


dict ordereddict()

Rebind keys.


boolean False

If non-nil, `kill-line' with no arg at beg of line kills the whole line. Default value is nil.


boolean True

Non-nil means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved. This is done by appending `~' to the file name. Default value is t.


string --

The permissions of the file.


string --

The owner of the file.


boolean True

'true' means ring the terminal bell on any error


integer 4

default number of columns for margin-changing functions to indent


boolean True

Controls the operation of the TAB key. If t, hitting TAB always just indents the current line. If nil, hitting TAB indents the current line if point is at the left margin or in the line's indentation, otherwise it inserts a "real" TAB character. Default value is t.


integer 8

Distance between tab stops (for display of tab characters), in columns. Default value is 8.


  short_help: Configuration for the 'zile' text editor

      short_help: The config variable name.
    type: string
    required: true
      short_help: The config variable value.
    type: string
    required: true
      short_help: a map of config key value pairs
    type: dict
    required: true
      enabled: true
    required: false
      short_help: Rebind keys.
    type: dict
    default: {}
    empty: true
      show_default: false
      short_help: whether to inhibit the startup screen
      help: |
        Non-nil inhibits the startup screen.
        It also inhibits display of the initial message in the `*scratch*' buffer.
        Default value is nil.
    type: boolean
    default: false
      short_help: default number of columns for margin-changing functions to indent
    type: integer
    min: 0
    default: 4
      short_help: distance between tab stops
      help: |
        Distance between tab stops (for display of tab characters), in columns.
        Default value is 8.
    type: integer
    min: 0
    default: 8
      short_help: controls the operation of the TAB key
      help: |
        Controls the operation of the TAB key.
        If t, hitting TAB always just indents the current line.
        If nil, hitting TAB indents the current line if point is at the
        left margin or in the line's indentation, otherwise it inserts a
        "real" TAB character.
        Default value is t.
    type: boolean
    default: true
      short_help: use tabs or whitespaces
      help: |
        If non-nil, insert-tab inserts "real" tabs; otherwise, it always inserts
        Default value is t.
    type: boolean
    default: true
      short_help: column beyond which automatic line-wrapping should happen
      help: |
        Column beyond which automatic line-wrapping should happen.
        Automatically becomes buffer-local when set in any fashion.
        Default value is 70.
    type: integer
    min: 0
    default: 70
      short_help: enable auto-filll-mode
      help: |
        If non-nil, Auto Fill Mode is automatically enabled.
        Default value is nil.
    default: false
    type: boolean
      short_help: whether 'kill-line' with no arg starts at the beginning of line
      help: |
        If non-nil, `kill-line' with no arg at beg of line kills the whole line.
        Default value is nil.
    type: boolean
    default: false
      short_help: "'true' means searches ignore case"
      help: |
        Non-nil means searches ignore case.
        Default value is t.
    type: boolean
    default: true
    type: boolean
      short_help: "'true' means 'query-replace' shold preserve case in replacements"
    default: true
      short_help: "'true' means ring the terminal bell on any error"
    type: boolean
    default: true
      short_help: if 'true', highlight region even in nonselected windows
    type: boolean
    default: false
      short_help: "'true' means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved."
      help: |
        Non-nil means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved.
        This is done by appending `~' to the file name.
        Default value is t.
    type: boolean
    default: true
      short_help: the directory for backup files, which must exist
      help: |
        The directory for backup files, which must exist.
        If this variable is nil, the backup is made in the original file's
        This value is used only when `make-backup-files' is t.
        Default value is nil.
    type: string
    default: nil
    required: false
      short_help: rebound keys
    type: dict
        type: string
        type: string
  - file-with-content
- file-with-content:
    path: '{{:: path ::}}'
    group: '{{:: group ::}}'
    owner: '{{:: owner ::}}'
    mode: '{{:: mode ::}}'
    content: |-
      ;;;; .zile configuration

      ;; Rebind keys with:
      ;; (global-set-key "key" 'func)
      {%:: for key, value in key_bindings.items() ::%}
      (global-set-key "{{:: key ::}}" '{{:: value ::}})
      {%:: endfor ::%}

      ; Non-nil inhibits the startup screen.
      ; It also inhibits display of the initial message in the `*scratch*' buffer.
      ; Default value is nil.
      (setq inhibit-splash-screen {{:: inhabit_splash_screen | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; Default number of columns for margin-changing functions to indent.
      ; Default value is 4.
      (setq standard-indent {{:: standard_indent ::}})

      ; Distance between tab stops (for display of tab characters), in columns.
      ; Default value is 8.
      (setq tab-width {{:: tab_width ::}})

      ; Controls the operation of the TAB key.
      ; If t, hitting TAB always just indents the current line.
      ; If nil, hitting TAB indents the current line if point is at the
      ; left margin or in the line's indentation, otherwise it inserts a
      ; "real" TAB character.
      ; Default value is t.
      (setq tab-always-indent {{:: tab_always_indent | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; If non-nil, insert-tab inserts "real" tabs; otherwise, it always inserts
      ; spaces.
      ; Default value is t.
      (setq indent-tabs-mode {{:: indent_tabs_mode | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; Column beyond which automatic line-wrapping should happen.
      ; Automatically becomes buffer-local when set in any fashion.
      ; Default value is 70.
      (setq fill-column {{:: fill_column ::}})

      ; If non-nil, Auto Fill Mode is automatically enabled.
      ; Default value is nil.
      (setq auto-fill-mode {{:: auto_fill_mode | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; If non-nil, `kill-line' with no arg at beg of line kills the whole line.
      ; Default value is nil.
      (setq kill-whole-line {{:: kill_whole_line | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; Non-nil means searches ignore case.
      ; Default value is t.
      (setq case-fold-search {{:: case_fold_search | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; Non-nil means `query-replace' should preserve case in replacements.
      ; Default value is t.
      (setq case-replace {{:: case_replace | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; Non-nil means ring the terminal bell on any error.
      ; Default value is t.
      (setq ring-bell {{:: ring_bell | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; If non-nil, highlight region even in nonselected windows.
      ; Default value is nil.
      (setq highlight-nonselected-windows {{:: highlight_nonselected_windows | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; Non-nil means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved.
      ; This is done by appending `~' to the file name.
      ; Default value is t.
      (setq make-backup-files {{:: make_backup_files | string_for_boolean('t', 'nil') ::}})

      ; The directory for backup files, which must exist.
      ; If this variable is nil, the backup is made in the original file's
      ; directory.
      ; This value is used only when `make-backup-files' is t.
      ; Default value is nil.
      (setq backup-directory {{:: backup_directory ::}})
frecklecute zile-config-file --help

Usage: frecklecute zile-config-file [OPTIONS] PATH

  Configuration for the 'zile' text editor

  --auto-fill-mode / --no-auto-fill-mode
                                  enable auto-filll-mode
  --backup-directory BACKUP_DIRECTORY
                                  the directory for backup files, which must
  --case-fold-search / --no-case-fold-search
                                  'true' means searches ignore case
  --case-replace / --no-case-replace
                                  'true' means 'query-replace' shold preserve
                                  case in replacements
  --fill-column FILL_COLUMN       column beyond which automatic line-wrapping
                                  should happen
  --group GROUP                   The group of the file.
  --highlight-nonselected-windows / --no-highlight-nonselected-windows
                                  if 'true', highlight region even in
                                  nonselected windows
  --indent-tabs-mode / --no-indent-tabs-mode
                                  use tabs or whitespaces
  --inhabit-splash-screen / --no-inhabit-splash-screen
                                  whether to inhibit the startup screen
  --key-bindings KEY_BINDINGS     Rebind keys.
  --kill-whole-line / --no-kill-whole-line
                                  whether 'kill-line' with no arg starts at
                                  the beginning of line
  --make-backup-files / --no-make-backup-files
                                  'true' means make a backup of a file the
                                  first time it is saved.
  --mode MODE                     The permissions of the file.
  --owner USER                    The owner of the file.
  --ring-bell / --no-ring-bell    'true' means ring the terminal bell on any
  --standard-indent STANDARD_INDENT
                                  default number of columns for margin-
                                  changing functions to indent
  --tab-always-indent / --no-tab-always-indent
                                  controls the operation of the TAB key
  --tab-width TAB_WIDTH           distance between tab stops
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.zile_config_file.ZileConfigFile

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class ZileConfigFile(AutoPycklet):
    """Configuration for the 'zile' text editor

         auto_fill_mode: enable auto-filll-mode
         backup_directory: the directory for backup files, which must exist
         case_fold_search: 'true' means searches ignore case
         case_replace: 'true' means 'query-replace' shold preserve case in replacements
         fill_column: column beyond which automatic line-wrapping should happen
         group: The group of the file.
         highlight_nonselected_windows: if 'true', highlight region even in nonselected windows
         indent_tabs_mode: use tabs or whitespaces
         inhabit_splash_screen: whether to inhibit the startup screen
         key_bindings: Rebind keys.
         kill_whole_line: whether 'kill-line' with no arg starts at the beginning of line
         make_backup_files: 'true' means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved.
         mode: The permissions of the file.
         owner: The owner of the file.
         path: The path to the file.
         ring_bell: 'true' means ring the terminal bell on any error
         standard_indent: default number of columns for margin-changing functions to indent
         tab_always_indent: controls the operation of the TAB key
         tab_width: distance between tab stops


    FRECKLET_ID = "zile-config-file"

    auto_fill_mode: bool = None
    backup_directory: str = None
    case_fold_search: bool = None
    case_replace: bool = None
    fill_column: int = None
    group: str = None
    highlight_nonselected_windows: bool = None
    indent_tabs_mode: bool = None
    inhabit_splash_screen: bool = None
    key_bindings: Dict = None
    kill_whole_line: bool = None
    make_backup_files: bool = None
    mode: str = None
    owner: str = None
    path: str = None
    ring_bell: bool = None
    standard_indent: int = None
    tab_always_indent: bool = None
    tab_width: int = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(ZileConfigFile, self).__init__(var_names=["auto_fill_mode", "backup_directory", "case_fold_search", "case_replace", "fill_column", "group", "highlight_nonselected_windows", "indent_tabs_mode", "inhabit_splash_screen", "key_bindings", "kill_whole_line", "make_backup_files", "mode", "owner", "path", "ring_bell", "standard_indent", "tab_always_indent", "tab_width"])

frecklet_class = ZileConfigFile
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.zile_config_file.ZileConfigFile

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class ZileConfigFile(AutoPycklet):
    """Configuration for the 'zile' text editor

         auto_fill_mode: enable auto-filll-mode
         backup_directory: the directory for backup files, which must exist
         case_fold_search: 'true' means searches ignore case
         case_replace: 'true' means 'query-replace' shold preserve case in replacements
         fill_column: column beyond which automatic line-wrapping should happen
         group: The group of the file.
         highlight_nonselected_windows: if 'true', highlight region even in nonselected windows
         indent_tabs_mode: use tabs or whitespaces
         inhabit_splash_screen: whether to inhibit the startup screen
         key_bindings: Rebind keys.
         kill_whole_line: whether 'kill-line' with no arg starts at the beginning of line
         make_backup_files: 'true' means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved.
         mode: The permissions of the file.
         owner: The owner of the file.
         path: The path to the file.
         ring_bell: 'true' means ring the terminal bell on any error
         standard_indent: default number of columns for margin-changing functions to indent
         tab_always_indent: controls the operation of the TAB key
         tab_width: distance between tab stops


    FRECKLET_ID = "zile-config-file"

    def __init__(self, auto_fill_mode=None, backup_directory="nil", case_fold_search=True, case_replace=True, fill_column=70, group=None, highlight_nonselected_windows=None, indent_tabs_mode=True, inhabit_splash_screen=None, key_bindings=None, kill_whole_line=None, make_backup_files=True, mode=None, owner=None, path=None, ring_bell=True, standard_indent=4, tab_always_indent=True, tab_width=8):

        super(ZileConfigFile, self).__init__(var_names=["auto_fill_mode", "backup_directory", "case_fold_search", "case_replace", "fill_column", "group", "highlight_nonselected_windows", "indent_tabs_mode", "inhabit_splash_screen", "key_bindings", "kill_whole_line", "make_backup_files", "mode", "owner", "path", "ring_bell", "standard_indent", "tab_always_indent", "tab_width"])
        self._auto_fill_mode = auto_fill_mode
        self._backup_directory = backup_directory
        self._case_fold_search = case_fold_search
        self._case_replace = case_replace
        self._fill_column = fill_column
        self._group = group
        self._highlight_nonselected_windows = highlight_nonselected_windows
        self._indent_tabs_mode = indent_tabs_mode
        self._inhabit_splash_screen = inhabit_splash_screen
        self._key_bindings = key_bindings
        self._kill_whole_line = kill_whole_line
        self._make_backup_files = make_backup_files
        self._mode = mode
        self._owner = owner
        self._path = path
        self._ring_bell = ring_bell
        self._standard_indent = standard_indent
        self._tab_always_indent = tab_always_indent
        self._tab_width = tab_width

    def auto_fill_mode(self):
        return self._auto_fill_mode

    def auto_fill_mode(self, auto_fill_mode):
        self._auto_fill_mode = auto_fill_mode

    def backup_directory(self):
        return self._backup_directory

    def backup_directory(self, backup_directory):
        self._backup_directory = backup_directory

    def case_fold_search(self):
        return self._case_fold_search

    def case_fold_search(self, case_fold_search):
        self._case_fold_search = case_fold_search

    def case_replace(self):
        return self._case_replace

    def case_replace(self, case_replace):
        self._case_replace = case_replace

    def fill_column(self):
        return self._fill_column

    def fill_column(self, fill_column):
        self._fill_column = fill_column

    def group(self):
        return self._group

    def group(self, group):
        self._group = group

    def highlight_nonselected_windows(self):
        return self._highlight_nonselected_windows

    def highlight_nonselected_windows(self, highlight_nonselected_windows):
        self._highlight_nonselected_windows = highlight_nonselected_windows

    def indent_tabs_mode(self):
        return self._indent_tabs_mode

    def indent_tabs_mode(self, indent_tabs_mode):
        self._indent_tabs_mode = indent_tabs_mode

    def inhabit_splash_screen(self):
        return self._inhabit_splash_screen

    def inhabit_splash_screen(self, inhabit_splash_screen):
        self._inhabit_splash_screen = inhabit_splash_screen

    def key_bindings(self):
        return self._key_bindings

    def key_bindings(self, key_bindings):
        self._key_bindings = key_bindings

    def kill_whole_line(self):
        return self._kill_whole_line

    def kill_whole_line(self, kill_whole_line):
        self._kill_whole_line = kill_whole_line

    def make_backup_files(self):
        return self._make_backup_files

    def make_backup_files(self, make_backup_files):
        self._make_backup_files = make_backup_files

    def mode(self):
        return self._mode

    def mode(self, mode):
        self._mode = mode

    def owner(self):
        return self._owner

    def owner(self, owner):
        self._owner = owner

    def path(self):
        return self._path

    def path(self, path):
        self._path = path

    def ring_bell(self):
        return self._ring_bell

    def ring_bell(self, ring_bell):
        self._ring_bell = ring_bell

    def standard_indent(self):
        return self._standard_indent

    def standard_indent(self, standard_indent):
        self._standard_indent = standard_indent

    def tab_always_indent(self):
        return self._tab_always_indent

    def tab_always_indent(self, tab_always_indent):
        self._tab_always_indent = tab_always_indent

    def tab_width(self):
        return self._tab_width

    def tab_width(self, tab_width):
        self._tab_width = tab_width

frecklet_class = ZileConfigFile