

# Install the devpi service, incl. Nginx reverse proxy and https certificate.
- devpi-standalone:
    email: [email protected]
    use_https: true
    user: devpi


This frecklet installs a complete nginx-proxied devpi server.

If a backup_archive_file is provided, it will be uploaded to the server, unarchived, and the backed-up state will be imported before the server will be started for the first time. Check the frecklet::devpi-create-backup frecklet for details about creating such a backup archive file. The import will take a minute or two, as it also (re-)creates the pypi mirror index.

If the use_https variable is set, a certificate from LetsEncrypt will be requrested and installed, along with a cron job to automatically renew it before it expires. Nginx will be configured to redirect all http traffic to https.



Name Type Default Description


string --

If a password is already set, this will fail and the error will be ignored.


string --

If this is not provided, a normal, 'empty' devpi instance will be created.


string --

The email address to use with letsencrypt.


string localhost

The hostname of the server.


boolean False

"Whether to use the letsencrypt staging server.

This is useful for developing -- the letsencrypt production server only allows a few requests per day. This option is disabled in the cli, as it is not used very often. Just use an overlay dict to enable this.


boolean --

Request a lets-encrypt certificate and serve devpi via https (needs email-address).


string devpi

The user to run devpi as well as nginx.


Example 1

Install the devpi service, incl. Nginx reverse proxy and https certificate.

- devpi-standalone:
    email: [email protected]
    use_https: true
    user: devpi

Example 2

Re-create a devpi service instance from a backup, incl. Nginx reverse proxy and https certificate.

- devpi-standalone:
    email: [email protected]
    use_https: true
    user: devpi
    backup_archive_file: ~/backups/devpi_backup.tar.gz


  short_help: installs a complete devpi server, including nginx proxy & lets-encrypt
  help: |
    This frecklet installs a complete nginx-proxied devpi server.

    If a ``backup_archive_file`` is provided, it will be uploaded to the server, unarchived, and the backed-up
    state will be imported before the server will be started for the first time. Check the frecklet::devpi-create-backup
    *frecklet* for details about creating such a backup archive file. The import will take a minute or two, as it also
    (re-)creates the pypi mirror index.

    If the ``use_https`` variable is set, a certificate from LetsEncrypt will be requrested and installed, along
    with a cron job to automatically renew it before it expires. Nginx will be
    configured to redirect all http traffic to https.

    freckfrackery.install-devpi Ansible role:
  - title: Install the devpi service, incl. Nginx reverse proxy and https certificate.
      email: [email protected]
      use_https: true
      user: devpi
  - title: Re-create a devpi service instance from a backup, incl. Nginx reverse proxy
      and https certificate.
      email: [email protected]
      use_https: true
      user: devpi
      backup_archive_file: ~/backups/devpi_backup.tar.gz

    type: string
    default: localhost
    required: true
      short_help: The hostname of the server.
    type: string
      short_help: The email address to use with letsencrypt.
    required: false
    type: boolean
    required: false
#    dependencies: email
      short_help: Request a lets-encrypt certificate and serve devpi via https (needs
      is_flag: true
      short_help: The user to run devpi as well as nginx.
    type: string
    required: false
    default: devpi
      show_default: true
      short_help: Whether to use the letsencrypt staging server.
      help: |
        "Whether to use the letsencrypt staging server.

        This is useful for developing -- the letsencrypt production server only allows a few requests per day. This option is disabled in the cli, as it is not used very often. Just use an overlay dict to enable this.
    type: boolean
    required: false
    default: false
      short_help: A file to restore the service from.
      help: |
        If this is not provided, a normal, 'empty' devpi instance will be created.
    type: string
    required: false
    type: string
    required: false
    secret: true
      short_help: The initial admin password.
      help: |
        If a password is already set, this will fail and the error will be ignored.

#  use_basic_auth:
#    doc:
#      short_help: "Whether to setup basic auth."
#    type: boolean
#    required: false
#    default: false
#    cli:
#      enabled: false
#  basic_auth_message:
#    doc:
#      short_help: "The message that will be displayed to the user."
#      help: |
#        The message that will be displayed to the user.
#    type: string
#    empty: false
#    required: false
#    default: "Please authenticate."
#  basic_auth_users:
#    doc:
#      short_help: "A dict with username as key, password as value."
#    type: dict
#    required: false
#    cli:
#      enabled: false
#  basic_auth_user_file:
#    doc:
#      short_help: "The file to store htpasswd information."
#    type: string
#    required: false
#    default: "/etc/htpasswd"
#    cli:
#      show_default: true
#      enabled: false

  - devpi
  - python
  - repository
  - packages
  - setup

- devpi-service:
    user: '{{:: user ::}}'
    admin_password: '{{:: admin_password ::}}'
    backup_archive_file: '{{:: backup_archive_file ::}}'
- devpi-nginx-vhost-config:
    path: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/vhost_devpi.conf
    owner: '{{:: user ::}}'
    host: '{{:: hostname ::}}'
    devpi_root: /home/devpi/.devpi/server
    devpi_host: localhost
    devpi_port: 3141
    devpi_proto: http
    use_https: '{{:: use_https ::}}'
- webserver-service:
    webserver: nginx
    letsencrypt_webroot: /home/devpi/.devpi/server
    use_https: '{{:: use_https | default(false) ::}}'
    letsencrypt_email: '{{:: email ::}}'
    letsencrypt_staging: '{{:: letsencrypt_staging ::}}'
    - '{{:: hostname ::}}'
    webserver_user: devpi
frecklecute devpi-standalone --help

Usage: frecklecute devpi-standalone [OPTIONS]

  This frecklet installs a complete nginx-proxied devpi server.

  If a ``backup_archive_file`` is provided, it will be uploaded to the
  server, unarchived, and the backed-up state will be imported before the
  server will be started for the first time. Check the frecklet::devpi-
  create-backup *frecklet* for details about creating such a backup archive
  file. The import will take a minute or two, as it also (re-)creates the
  pypi mirror index.

  If the ``use_https`` variable is set, a certificate from LetsEncrypt will
  be requrested and installed, along with a cron job to automatically renew
  it before it expires. Nginx will be configured to redirect all http
  traffic to https.

  --admin-password ADMIN_PASSWORD
                                  The initial admin password.
  --backup-archive-file BACKUP_ARCHIVE_FILE
                                  A file to restore the service from.
  --email EMAIL                   The email address to use with letsencrypt.
  --hostname HOSTNAME             The hostname of the server.
  --letsencrypt-staging / --no-letsencrypt-staging
                                  Whether to use the letsencrypt staging
  --use-https / --no-use-https    Request a lets-encrypt certificate and serve
                                  devpi via https (needs email-address).
  --user USER                     The user to run devpi as well as nginx.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.devpi_standalone.DevpiStandalone

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class DevpiStandalone(AutoPycklet):
    """This frecklet installs a complete nginx-proxied devpi server.

     If a ``backup_archive_file`` is provided, it will be uploaded to the server, unarchived, and the backed-up
     state will be imported before the server will be started for the first time. Check the frecklet::devpi-create-backup
     *frecklet* for details about creating such a backup archive file. The import will take a minute or two, as it also
     (re-)creates the pypi mirror index.

     If the ``use_https`` variable is set, a certificate from LetsEncrypt will be requrested and installed, along
     with a cron job to automatically renew it before it expires. Nginx will be
     configured to redirect all http traffic to https.

         admin_password: The initial admin password.
         backup_archive_file: A file to restore the service from.
         email: The email address to use with letsencrypt.
         hostname: The hostname of the server.
         letsencrypt_staging: Whether to use the letsencrypt staging server.
         use_https: Request a lets-encrypt certificate and serve devpi via https (needs email-address).
         user: The user to run devpi as well as nginx.


    FRECKLET_ID = "devpi-standalone"

    admin_password: str = None
    backup_archive_file: str = None
    email: str = None
    hostname: str = None
    letsencrypt_staging: bool = None
    use_https: bool = None
    user: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(DevpiStandalone, self).__init__(var_names=["admin_password", "backup_archive_file", "email", "hostname", "letsencrypt_staging", "use_https", "user"])

frecklet_class = DevpiStandalone
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.devpi_standalone.DevpiStandalone

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class DevpiStandalone(AutoPycklet):
    """This frecklet installs a complete nginx-proxied devpi server.

     If a ``backup_archive_file`` is provided, it will be uploaded to the server, unarchived, and the backed-up
     state will be imported before the server will be started for the first time. Check the frecklet::devpi-create-backup
     *frecklet* for details about creating such a backup archive file. The import will take a minute or two, as it also
     (re-)creates the pypi mirror index.

     If the ``use_https`` variable is set, a certificate from LetsEncrypt will be requrested and installed, along
     with a cron job to automatically renew it before it expires. Nginx will be
     configured to redirect all http traffic to https.

         admin_password: The initial admin password.
         backup_archive_file: A file to restore the service from.
         email: The email address to use with letsencrypt.
         hostname: The hostname of the server.
         letsencrypt_staging: Whether to use the letsencrypt staging server.
         use_https: Request a lets-encrypt certificate and serve devpi via https (needs email-address).
         user: The user to run devpi as well as nginx.


    FRECKLET_ID = "devpi-standalone"

    def __init__(self, admin_password=None, backup_archive_file=None, email=None, hostname="localhost", letsencrypt_staging=None, use_https=None, user="devpi"):

        super(DevpiStandalone, self).__init__(var_names=["admin_password", "backup_archive_file", "email", "hostname", "letsencrypt_staging", "use_https", "user"])
        self._admin_password = admin_password
        self._backup_archive_file = backup_archive_file
        self._email = email
        self._hostname = hostname
        self._letsencrypt_staging = letsencrypt_staging
        self._use_https = use_https
        self._user = user

    def admin_password(self):
        return self._admin_password

    def admin_password(self, admin_password):
        self._admin_password = admin_password

    def backup_archive_file(self):
        return self._backup_archive_file

    def backup_archive_file(self, backup_archive_file):
        self._backup_archive_file = backup_archive_file

    def email(self):
        return self._email

    def email(self, email):
        self._email = email

    def hostname(self):
        return self._hostname

    def hostname(self, hostname):
        self._hostname = hostname

    def letsencrypt_staging(self):
        return self._letsencrypt_staging

    def letsencrypt_staging(self, letsencrypt_staging):
        self._letsencrypt_staging = letsencrypt_staging

    def use_https(self):
        return self._use_https

    def use_https(self, use_https):
        self._use_https = use_https

    def user(self):
        return self._user

    def user(self, user):
        self._user = user

frecklet_class = DevpiStandalone