

# Create file if it doesn't exist yet.
- file-is-present:
    path: /tmp/freckles.txt


Ensure a file exists, create the necessary user (owner), as well as parent directories if necessary.

If a user needs to be created, it won't have any password set, so you might have to do that in a different (ideally earlier - to have more control) step.

If intermediate parent directories have to be created, they will inherit the owner/group information of the file to be created. If any of those parent directories already exist, they won't be touched at all.

If the owner variable is specified, this frecklet will use elevated permissions.


Name Type Default Description


string --

The path to the file. Required


string --

The group of the file.


string --

The permissions of the file.


string --

The owner of the file.


string --

The permissions of the parent directory.


Example 1

Create file if it doesn't exist yet.

- file-is-present:
    path: /tmp/freckles.txt

Create a file as child of an existing folder. The owner will be whoever runs the frecklet.

Example 2

Create file (incl. parent folders) if it doesn't exist yet.

- file-is-present:
    path: /tmp/parent_1/parent_2/freckles.txt

Create folder structure /tmp/parent_1/parent_2, then create child file freckles.txt. Owner will be whoever runs the frecklet.

Example 3

Create file if it doesn't exist and make it to be executable.

- file-is-present:
    path: /tmp/
    mode: '0775'

Creates an (empty) file if it doesn't exist, sets the mode to '775'.

Example 4

Create file with custom owner & group.

- file-is-present:
    path: /tmp/freckles.txt
    owner: freckles
    group: freckles
    become: true

Create the user and group 'freckles' if they don't exist yet, then the file /tmp/freckles.txt and set the user/group properties to 'freckles'.

Here we need to set the become variable, because otherwise we would not have permission to create the file.


  short_help: Ensure a file exists.
  help: |
    Ensure a file exists, create the necessary user (owner), as well as parent directories if necessary.

    If a user needs to be created, it won't have any password set, so you might have to do that in a different (ideally earlier - to have more control) step.

    If intermediate parent directories have to be created, they will inherit the owner/group information of the file to be created. If any of those
    parent directories already exist, they won't be touched at all.

    If the ``owner`` variable is specified, this frecklet will use elevated permissions.

  - title: Create file if it doesn't exist yet.
    desc: |
      Create a file as child of an existing folder. The owner will be whoever runs the *frecklet*.
      path: /tmp/freckles.txt
  - title: Create file (incl. parent folders) if it doesn't exist yet.
    desc: |
      Create folder structure ``/tmp/parent_1/parent_2``, then create child file ``freckles.txt``. Owner will be whoever runs the *frecklet*.
      path: /tmp/parent_1/parent_2/freckles.txt
  - title: Create file if it doesn't exist and make it to be executable.
    desc: |
      Creates an (empty) file if it doesn't exist, sets the mode to '775'.
      path: /tmp/
      mode: '0775'
  - title: Create file with custom owner & group.
    desc: |
      Create the user and group 'freckles' if they don't exist yet, then the file ``/tmp/freckles.txt`` and set the
      user/group properties to 'freckles'.

      Here we need to set the ``become`` variable, because otherwise we would not have permission to create the file.
      path: /tmp/freckles.txt
      owner: freckles
      group: freckles
      become: true

      short_help: The path to the file.
    type: string
    required: true
      param_type: argument
      short_help: The owner of the file.
    type: string
    required: false
      metavar: USER
      short_help: The group of the file.
    type: string
    required: false
      metavar: GROUP
      short_help: The permissions of the file.
    type: string
    required: false
      metavar: MODE
      short_help: The permissions of the parent directory.
    type: string
    required: false
      metavar: MODE
#  become:
#    doc:
#      short_help: "Whether to use root privileges to create the file."
#    type: boolean
#    default: false
#    required: false
#    cli:
#      is_flag: true
      short_help: Whether the user and group should be of system user/group type.
    type: boolean
    default: false
    required: false
      show_default: true
      is_flag: true
  is_interface: true
  - file
  - filesystem
  - touch
  - featured-frecklecutable

- parent-folder-exists:
    path: '{{:: path ::}}'
    owner: '{{:: owner  ::}}'
    group: '{{:: group ::}}'
    mode: '{{:: parent_dir_mode ::}}'
- task:
    become: '{{:: owner | true_if_not_empty ::}}'
    name: file
    type: ansible-module
      short: "[create file (if it doesn't exist): {{:: path ::}}']"
      long: |
        Create file '{{:: path ::}}' if it doesn't exist yet.

        {%:: if mode ::%}Ensure the file mode is '{{:: mode ::}}'{%:: else ::%}Leave file mode as is (or default if file has to be created){%:: endif ::%}. {%:: if group ::%}Set group to be '{{:: group ::}}'{%:: else ::%}Use the executing users main group (or leave be if file already exists){%:: endif ::%} and {%:: if owner ::%}set user to be '{{:: owner ::}}'{%:: else ::%}use the executing users name as the owner (or leave be if file already exists){%:: endif ::%}.
        "'file' Ansible module":
      internet: false
      idempotent: true
      elevated: '{{:: owner | true_if_not_empty ::}}'
    path: '{{:: path ::}}'
    owner: '{{:: owner ::}}'
    group: '{{:: group ::}}'
    mode: '{{:: mode ::}}'
    state: touch
frecklecute file-is-present --help

Usage: frecklecute file-is-present [OPTIONS] PATH

  Ensure a file exists, create the necessary user (owner), as well as parent
  directories if necessary.

  If a user needs to be created, it won't have any password set, so you
  might have to do that in a different (ideally earlier - to have more
  control) step.

  If intermediate parent directories have to be created, they will inherit
  the owner/group information of the file to be created. If any of those
  parent directories already exist, they won't be touched at all.

  If the ``owner`` variable is specified, this frecklet will use elevated

  --group GROUP           The group of the file.
  --mode MODE             The permissions of the file.
  --owner USER            The owner of the file.
  --parent-dir-mode MODE  The permissions of the parent directory.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.file_is_present.FileIsPresent

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class FileIsPresent(AutoPycklet):
    """Ensure a file exists, create the necessary user (owner), as well as parent directories if necessary.

     If a user needs to be created, it won't have any password set, so you might have to do that in a different (ideally earlier - to have more control) step.

     If intermediate parent directories have to be created, they will inherit the owner/group information of the file to be created. If any of those
     parent directories already exist, they won't be touched at all.

     If the ``owner`` variable is specified, this frecklet will use elevated permissions.

         group: The group of the file.
         mode: The permissions of the file.
         owner: The owner of the file.
         parent_dir_mode: The permissions of the parent directory.
         path: The path to the file.


    FRECKLET_ID = "file-is-present"

    group: str = None
    mode: str = None
    owner: str = None
    parent_dir_mode: str = None
    path: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(FileIsPresent, self).__init__(var_names=["group", "mode", "owner", "parent_dir_mode", "path"])

frecklet_class = FileIsPresent
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.file_is_present.FileIsPresent

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class FileIsPresent(AutoPycklet):
    """Ensure a file exists, create the necessary user (owner), as well as parent directories if necessary.

     If a user needs to be created, it won't have any password set, so you might have to do that in a different (ideally earlier - to have more control) step.

     If intermediate parent directories have to be created, they will inherit the owner/group information of the file to be created. If any of those
     parent directories already exist, they won't be touched at all.

     If the ``owner`` variable is specified, this frecklet will use elevated permissions.

         group: The group of the file.
         mode: The permissions of the file.
         owner: The owner of the file.
         parent_dir_mode: The permissions of the parent directory.
         path: The path to the file.


    FRECKLET_ID = "file-is-present"

    def __init__(self, group=None, mode=None, owner=None, parent_dir_mode=None, path=None):

        super(FileIsPresent, self).__init__(var_names=["group", "mode", "owner", "parent_dir_mode", "path"])
        self._group = group
        self._mode = mode
        self._owner = owner
        self._parent_dir_mode = parent_dir_mode
        self._path = path

    def group(self):
        return self._group

    def group(self, group):
        self._group = group

    def mode(self):
        return self._mode

    def mode(self, mode):
        self._mode = mode

    def owner(self):
        return self._owner

    def owner(self, owner):
        self._owner = owner

    def parent_dir_mode(self):
        return self._parent_dir_mode

    def parent_dir_mode(self, parent_dir_mode):
        self._parent_dir_mode = parent_dir_mode

    def path(self):
        return self._path

    def path(self, path):
        self._path = path

frecklet_class = FileIsPresent