

# Create user 'freckles' if it does not exist, then install 'asdf' for it.
- asdf-pkg-mgr:
    user: freckles


Installs the asdf versions/package manager.

Optionally, you can also install plugins at the same time.

This installs a global profile file into /etc/profile.d/ After installation of asdf you either need to logout and login again to have asdf available, or execute either source /etc/profile.d/ or source ~/.asdf/

Once asdf is available, you can install plugins by executing asdf pulgin-add [plugin-name], a list of available plugins can be found here.

Having a plugin installed doesn't mean the language/pkg itself is installed, for that you need to pick a version. To list all available versions for a plugin, issue: asdf list-all [plugin], for example: asdf list-all ruby. Then install via asdf install [package] [version], e.g. asdf install ruby 2.5.3. Then you need to set that version to be global (or local, if that better fits your need): asdf global ruby 2.5.3.



Name Type Default Description


list []

A list of plugins and details about them.


string {{ ansible_env.USER }}

The name of the user (optional).


Example 1

Create user 'freckles' if it does not exist, then install 'asdf' for it.

- asdf-pkg-mgr:
    user: freckles


  short_help: Ensures 'asdf' is installed.
  help: |
    Installs the [asdf]( versions/package manager.

    Optionally, you can also install plugins at the same time.

    This installs a global profile file into /etc/profile.d/ After installation of asdf you either need to logout and login again to have ``asdf`` available, or execute either ``source /etc/profile.d/`` or ``source ~/.asdf/``.

    Once *asdf* is available, you can install plugins by executing ``asdf pulgin-add [plugin-name]``, a list of available plugins can be found [here](

    Having a plugin installed doesn't mean the language/pkg itself is installed, for that you need to pick a version. To list all available versions for a plugin, issue: ``asdf list-all [plugin]``, for example: ``asdf list-all ruby``. Then install via ``asdf install [package] [version]``, e.g. ``asdf install ruby 2.5.3``.
    Then you need to set that version to be global (or local, if that better fits your need): ``asdf global ruby 2.5.3``.
    asdf github page:
    cimon-io.asdf Ansible role:
  - title: Create user 'freckles' if it does not exist, then install 'asdf' for it.
      user: freckles

      short_help: A list of plugins and details about them.
    required: false
    default: []
    empty: true
    type: list
      type: dict
          type: string
          required: true
          empty: false
          type: list
            type: string
          required: false
          type: string
          required: false
          empty: false
      enabled: false
      short_help: The name of the user (optional).
    type: string
    required: false
    default: '{{ ansible_env.USER }}'

  - featured-frecklecutable
  - conda
  - package-manager
  - package-management
  - install

- task:
    include-type: include
    become: true
    name: cimon-io.asdf
    type: ansible-role
      - cimon-io.asdf
      idempotent: true
      elevated: true
      internet: true
      short: install the asdf package manager
        "'cimon-io.asdf' Ansible role":
    asdf_plugins: '{{:: plugins ::}}'
    asdf_user: '{{:: user ::}}'
frecklecute asdf-pkg-mgr --help

Usage: frecklecute asdf-pkg-mgr [OPTIONS]

  Installs the [asdf]( versions/package

  Optionally, you can also install plugins at the same time.

  This installs a global profile file into /etc/profile.d/ After
  installation of asdf you either need to logout and login again to have
  ``asdf`` available, or execute either ``source /etc/profile.d/`` or
  ``source ~/.asdf/``.

  Once *asdf* is available, you can install plugins by executing ``asdf
  pulgin-add [plugin-name]``, a list of available plugins can be found

  Having a plugin installed doesn't mean the language/pkg itself is
  installed, for that you need to pick a version. To list all available
  versions for a plugin, issue: ``asdf list-all [plugin]``, for example:
  ``asdf list-all ruby``. Then install via ``asdf install [package]
  [version]``, e.g. ``asdf install ruby 2.5.3``. Then you need to set that
  version to be global (or local, if that better fits your need): ``asdf
  global ruby 2.5.3``.

  --user USER  The name of the user (optional).
  --help       Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.asdf_pkg_mgr.AsdfPkgMgr

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class AsdfPkgMgr(AutoPycklet):
    """Installs the [asdf]( versions/package manager.

     Optionally, you can also install plugins at the same time.

     This installs a global profile file into /etc/profile.d/ After installation of asdf you either need to logout and login again to have ``asdf`` available, or execute either ``source /etc/profile.d/`` or ``source ~/.asdf/``.

     Once *asdf* is available, you can install plugins by executing ``asdf pulgin-add [plugin-name]``, a list of available plugins can be found [here](

     Having a plugin installed doesn't mean the language/pkg itself is installed, for that you need to pick a version. To list all available versions for a plugin, issue: ``asdf list-all [plugin]``, for example: ``asdf list-all ruby``. Then install via ``asdf install [package] [version]``, e.g. ``asdf install ruby 2.5.3``.
     Then you need to set that version to be global (or local, if that better fits your need): ``asdf global ruby 2.5.3``.

         plugins: A list of plugins and details about them.
         user: The name of the user (optional).


    FRECKLET_ID = "asdf-pkg-mgr"

    plugins: List = None
    user: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(AsdfPkgMgr, self).__init__(var_names=["plugins", "user"])

frecklet_class = AsdfPkgMgr
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.asdf_pkg_mgr.AsdfPkgMgr

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class AsdfPkgMgr(AutoPycklet):
    """Installs the [asdf]( versions/package manager.

     Optionally, you can also install plugins at the same time.

     This installs a global profile file into /etc/profile.d/ After installation of asdf you either need to logout and login again to have ``asdf`` available, or execute either ``source /etc/profile.d/`` or ``source ~/.asdf/``.

     Once *asdf* is available, you can install plugins by executing ``asdf pulgin-add [plugin-name]``, a list of available plugins can be found [here](

     Having a plugin installed doesn't mean the language/pkg itself is installed, for that you need to pick a version. To list all available versions for a plugin, issue: ``asdf list-all [plugin]``, for example: ``asdf list-all ruby``. Then install via ``asdf install [package] [version]``, e.g. ``asdf install ruby 2.5.3``.
     Then you need to set that version to be global (or local, if that better fits your need): ``asdf global ruby 2.5.3``.

         plugins: A list of plugins and details about them.
         user: The name of the user (optional).


    FRECKLET_ID = "asdf-pkg-mgr"

    def __init__(self, plugins=None, user="{{ ansible_env.USER }}"):

        super(AsdfPkgMgr, self).__init__(var_names=["plugins", "user"])
        self._plugins = plugins
        self._user = user

    def plugins(self):
        return self._plugins

    def plugins(self, plugins):
        self._plugins = plugins

    def user(self):
        return self._user

    def user(self, user):
        self._user = user

frecklet_class = AsdfPkgMgr