

# Download/install the Nomad executable and create, enable and start a systemd service unit for it.
- nomad-service:
    enabled: true
    started: true


Download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

It is recommended to create the approriate Nomad server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/nomad.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.



Name Type Default Description


string --

The architecture of the host system.


string --

The (absolute) path to the parent folder of the downloaded executable file.


boolean --

Whether to enable the service.


dict --

The nomad configuration.


string --

The platform of the host system.


boolean --

Whether to start the service.


string 0.9.3

The version of Nomad to install.


Example 1

Download/install the Nomad executable and create, enable and start a systemd service unit for it.

- nomad-service:
    enabled: true
    started: true

This installs the Nomad binary into '/usr/local/bin' (for the Linux/amd64 platform/architecture). Then a systemd service unit 'nomad' is created, started and enabled, with the recommended settings for Nomad. Nomad server/client configuration file(s) are created separately, beforehand, in this case.


  short_help: Install Hashicorp Nomad and run as service.
  help: |
    Download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a
    systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

    It is recommended to create the approriate Nomad server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/nomad.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.
    Nomad install guide:
    Nomad homepage:
  - title: Download/install the Nomad executable and create, enable and start a systemd
      service unit for it.
    desc: |
      This installs the Nomad binary into '/usr/local/bin' (for the Linux/amd64 platform/architecture). Then a systemd service unit 'nomad' is created, started and enabled, with the recommended settings for Nomad. Nomad server/client configuration file(s) are created separately, beforehand, in this case.
      enabled: true
      started: true
  - nomad-installed
  - systemd-service-unit
      short_help: The nomad configuration.
    type: dict
    empty: false
    required: false
      type: string

- nomad-installed:
    version: '{{:: version ::}}'
    dest: '{{:: dest ::}}'
    platform: '{{:: platform ::}}'
    arch: '{{:: arch ::}}'
    owner: root
    group: root
- config-values-in-file:
    frecklet::skip: '{{ nomad_config | true_if_empty }}'
    path: /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: '0640'
    config: '{{:: nomad_config ::}}'
- systemd-service-unit:
    name: nomad
    unit_description: Nomad
    unit_start_limit_burst: 3
    unit_start_limit_interval_sec: 10
    service_user: root
    service_group: root
    service_exec_reload: /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
    service_exec_start: /usr/local/bin/nomad agent -config /etc/nomad.d
    service_kill_mode: process
    service_kill_signal: SIGINT
    service_restart: on-failure
    - limit_type: NOFILE
      limit: infinity
    - limit_type: NPROC
      limit: infinity
    service_restart_sec: 2
    service_tasks_max: infinity
    enabled: '{{:: enabled ::}}'
    started: '{{:: started ::}}'
frecklecute nomad-service --help

Usage: frecklecute nomad-service [OPTIONS]

  Download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a systemd
  service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

  It is recommended to create the approriate Nomad server/client
  configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/nomad.d'), but this frecklet also
  allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.

  --arch ARCH                  The architecture of the host system.
  --dest DEST                  The (absolute) path to the parent folder of the
                               downloaded executable file.
  --enabled / --no-enabled     Whether to enable the service.
  --nomad-config NOMAD_CONFIG  The nomad configuration.
  --platform PLATFORM          The platform of the host system.
  --started / --no-started     Whether to start the service.
  --version VERSION            The version of Nomad to install.
  --help                       Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.nomad_service.NomadService

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class NomadService(AutoPycklet):
    """Download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a
     systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

     It is recommended to create the approriate Nomad server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/nomad.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.

         arch: The architecture of the host system.
         dest: The (absolute) path to the parent folder of the downloaded executable file.
         enabled: Whether to enable the service.
         nomad_config: The nomad configuration.
         platform: The platform of the host system.
         started: Whether to start the service.
         version: The version of Nomad to install.


    FRECKLET_ID = "nomad-service"

    arch: str = None
    dest: str = None
    enabled: bool = None
    nomad_config: Dict = None
    platform: str = None
    started: bool = None
    version: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(NomadService, self).__init__(var_names=["arch", "dest", "enabled", "nomad_config", "platform", "started", "version"])

frecklet_class = NomadService
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.nomad_service.NomadService

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class NomadService(AutoPycklet):
    """Download the Consul binary into '/usr/local/bin' and create a
     systemd service unit ('consul') and enable/start it if so specified.

     It is recommended to create the approriate Nomad server/client configuration files beforehand (in '/etc/nomad.d'), but this frecklet also allows for providing basic configuration options if necessary.

         arch: The architecture of the host system.
         dest: The (absolute) path to the parent folder of the downloaded executable file.
         enabled: Whether to enable the service.
         nomad_config: The nomad configuration.
         platform: The platform of the host system.
         started: Whether to start the service.
         version: The version of Nomad to install.


    FRECKLET_ID = "nomad-service"

    def __init__(self, arch=None, dest=None, enabled=None, nomad_config=None, platform=None, started=None, version="0.9.3"):

        super(NomadService, self).__init__(var_names=["arch", "dest", "enabled", "nomad_config", "platform", "started", "version"])
        self._arch = arch
        self._dest = dest
        self._enabled = enabled
        self._nomad_config = nomad_config
        self._platform = platform
        self._started = started
        self._version = version

    def arch(self):
        return self._arch

    def arch(self, arch):
        self._arch = arch

    def dest(self):
        return self._dest

    def dest(self, dest):
        self._dest = dest

    def enabled(self):
        return self._enabled

    def enabled(self, enabled):
        self._enabled = enabled

    def nomad_config(self):
        return self._nomad_config

    def nomad_config(self, nomad_config):
        self._nomad_config = nomad_config

    def platform(self):
        return self._platform

    def platform(self, platform):
        self._platform = platform

    def started(self):
        return self._started

    def started(self, started):
        self._started = started

    def version(self):
        return self._version

    def version(self, version):
        self._version = version

frecklet_class = NomadService