
There are several ways get freckles on your machine. The most straightforward one is to just download the freckles binary somewhere into your $PATH and marking the file executable:

  • download the appropriate file:
  • set the executable flag for the file
  • copy it into a folder on your $PATH.
  • (optional) if you intend to also use the frecklecute application (and you probably want to):
    • link the file to that name (as the binary contains both the freckles and frecklecute applications).

Here's how you could do all this (manually):

# download and install on Linux

chmod +x freckles
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
mv freckles ~/.local/bin
ln -s freckles ~/.local/bin/frecklecute

# adjust PATH (optional)
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin' >> "~/.profile"
source ~/.profile
# download and install on Mac OS X

chmod +x freckles
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
mv freckles ~/.local/bin
ln -s freckles ~/.local/bin/frecklecute

# adjust PATH (optional)
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin' >> "~/.profile"
source ~/.profile

freck, the freckles bootstrap script

Even easier than downloading the freckles binaries is to use the freckles bootstrap script.

Do this:

curl | bash
# or
wget -O- | bash

This adds a section in your $HOME/.profile file to make freckles available in your $PATH. For that to take effect, you have to either logout of your terminal session and then login again, or source .profile like:

source ~/.profile

If you want to configure the behaviour of the bootstrap script (like for example preventing it to touch your .profile file), please check its Readme.

Other options

For other install options, check here.