There would have been no way I could have created freckles without the help of lots of projects, and people:


A special shout out to Kyle Mitchell of licensezero fame, creator of the Parity Public License. Not quite sure what I would have done without that. I highly recommend you read his writings on open source and software licensing (here and here).

Also, Jeff Geerling, creator of a boatload of high-quality Ansible roles of which a few are included in freckles. Of course, thanks also to all the other creator of Ansible roles that ship with freckles!

Then, obviously, Ansible itself. Ansible was the project that gave me the idea for freckles, and freckles not only does use it as a backend in freckles-adapter-nsbl, it also uses quite a few of Ansibles conventions and ways of dealing with things in general.

There are too many dependency libraries and other resources to mention, so please check out the attribution notice and attribution notice resources for a full list. A big thank you to everybody involved in creating those!


Also, thank you all you people I consider myself lucky to call friends, and who put up with me and who took me in over the last 2 or so years. I really hope I don't forget anybody...

  • Alex
  • Frauke
  • Fred
  • Jacques & Jo
  • Hugo
  • Moni
  • Tobi & Billa
  • Wali, Ralf, Bruno