

# Install the 'stow' package.
- stow-installed


Install the 'stow' package.

stow is a package that can recursively create symlinks to a source folder, in a smart way. This can be useful -- for example -- if you want to version control a folder that has files strewn across different locations in the folder hierarchy. So, instead of creating a very involved .gitignore file, you would create a folder with only the files you are interested in, version-control it, and then'stow' it into it's target location.


Name Type Default Description


string auto

the package manager to use


Example 1

Install the 'stow' package.

- stow-installed

This uses the default system package manager to install 'stow'. If this is run on Mac OS X, homebrew will be used. If homebrew is not available, If this is run on CentOS, the 'epel-release' package is also installed.

Example 2

Install the 'stow' package using the 'conda' package manager.

- stow-installed:
    pkg_mgr: conda

If the 'conda' package manager is not available, it will be installed. It will probably be necessary to activate the default conda environment (source /home/vagrant/.local/share/inaugurate/conda/bin/activate) to have 'stow' available in the path.

Example 3

Install the 'stow' package using the 'nix' package manager.

- stow-installed:
    pkg_mgr: nix

If the 'conda' package manager is not available, it will be installed. If the 'nix' package manager is not available, it will be installed before-hand. It might be necessary to re-login to have nix and it's PATHs properly setup.


  short_help: Install the stow package.
  help: |
    Install the '[stow](' package.

    ``stow`` is a package that can recursively create symlinks to a source folder, in a smart way. This can be useful
    -- for example -- if you want to version control a folder that has files strewn across different locations in the
    folder hierarchy. So, instead of creating a very involved ``.gitignore`` file, you would create a folder with only
    the files you are interested in, version-control it, and  then'stow' it into it's target location.

    stow homepage:
  - title: Install the 'stow' package.
    desc: |
      This uses the default system package manager to install 'stow'.
      If this is run on Mac OS X, homebrew will be used. If homebrew is not available,
      If this is run on CentOS, the 'epel-release' package is also installed.
  - title: Install the 'stow' package using the 'conda' package manager.
      pkg_mgr: conda
    desc: |
      If the 'conda' package manager is not available, it will be installed. It will probably be necessary to activate
      the default conda environment (``source /home/vagrant/.local/share/inaugurate/conda/bin/activate``) to have 'stow'
      available in the path.
  - title: Install the 'stow' package using the 'nix' package manager.
      pkg_mgr: nix
    desc: |
      If the 'conda' package manager is not available, it will be installed. If the 'nix' package manager is not available,
      it will be installed before-hand. It might be necessary to re-login to have nix and it's PATHs properly setup.

      short_help: the package manager to use
    type: string
    default: auto
    required: false
      metavar: PKG-MGR

  is_interface: true
  - stow
  - install
  - pkg

- packages-installed:
    pkg_mgr: '{{:: pkg_mgr ::}}'
    - name: epel-release
        - epel-release
        default: ignore
- packages-installed:
    become: "{{:: pkg_mgr | false_if_equal('conda') ::}}"
    - name: stow
      - conda-forge
      - freckles
      pkg_mgr: '{{:: pkg_mgr ::}}'
frecklecute stow-installed --help

Usage: frecklecute stow-installed [OPTIONS]

  Install the '[stow](' package.

  ``stow`` is a package that can recursively create symlinks to a source
  folder, in a smart way. This can be useful -- for example -- if you want
  to version control a folder that has files strewn across different
  locations in the folder hierarchy. So, instead of creating a very involved
  ``.gitignore`` file, you would create a folder with only the files you are
  interested in, version-control it, and  then'stow' it into it's target

  --pkg-mgr PKG-MGR  the package manager to use
  --help             Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.stow_installed.StowInstalled

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class StowInstalled(AutoPycklet):
    """Install the '[stow](' package.

     ``stow`` is a package that can recursively create symlinks to a source folder, in a smart way. This can be useful
     -- for example -- if you want to version control a folder that has files strewn across different locations in the
     folder hierarchy. So, instead of creating a very involved ``.gitignore`` file, you would create a folder with only
     the files you are interested in, version-control it, and  then'stow' it into it's target location.

         pkg_mgr: the package manager to use


    FRECKLET_ID = "stow-installed"

    pkg_mgr: str = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(StowInstalled, self).__init__(var_names=["pkg_mgr"])

frecklet_class = StowInstalled
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.stow_installed.StowInstalled

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class StowInstalled(AutoPycklet):
    """Install the '[stow](' package.

     ``stow`` is a package that can recursively create symlinks to a source folder, in a smart way. This can be useful
     -- for example -- if you want to version control a folder that has files strewn across different locations in the
     folder hierarchy. So, instead of creating a very involved ``.gitignore`` file, you would create a folder with only
     the files you are interested in, version-control it, and  then'stow' it into it's target location.

         pkg_mgr: the package manager to use


    FRECKLET_ID = "stow-installed"

    def __init__(self, pkg_mgr="auto"):

        super(StowInstalled, self).__init__(var_names=["pkg_mgr"])
        self._pkg_mgr = pkg_mgr

    def pkg_mgr(self):
        return self._pkg_mgr

    def pkg_mgr(self, pkg_mgr):
        self._pkg_mgr = pkg_mgr

frecklet_class = StowInstalled