

# Create (if not already exist) user and group 'freckles', with gid/uid 1111.
- user-exists:
    name: freckles
    uid: 1111
    group: freckles
    gid: 1111


Ensure a user exists on a system.

If no password argument is provided, the created user won't be able do login via ssh via password auth, and they won't be able to do sudo if passwordless sudo is not enabled for the user.

This task allows for providing the password in plain text. It will

Optionally, you can specify UID, main group and GID of the user. If the group var is specified, a corresponding group will be created if it doesn't exist yet.



Name Type Default Description


string --

The name of the user to create. Required


integer --

The GID of the users main group (optional).


string --

The name of the users main group.


string --

This sets the users password. The user input will be sha512-hashed before forwareded to the connector.

If not provided, the user won't be able to login via password auth, and can't do sudo if passwordless sudo is not configured.


string /bin/bash

The users default shell.


boolean False

Whether the user to create (and potentially group) should be created as system user.


integer --

The uid of the user to create (optional).


Example 1

Create (if not already exist) user and group 'freckles', with gid/uid 1111.

- user-exists:
    name: freckles
    uid: 1111
    group: freckles
    gid: 1111

This (obviously) assigns the 'freckles' group to be the new users main group.


  short_help: Make sure a user exists
  help: |
    Ensure a user exists on a system.

    If no ``password`` argument is provided, the created user won't be able do login via ssh via
    password auth, and they won't be able to do sudo if passwordless sudo is not enabled for the user.

    This task allows for providing the password in plain text. It will

    Optionally, you can specify UID, main group and GID of the user.
    If the ``group`` var is specified, a corresponding group will be created if it doesn't exist yet.
    Creating a User in Ansible:
  - title: Create (if not already exist) user and group 'freckles', with gid/uid 1111.
    desc: |
      This (obviously) assigns the 'freckles' group to be the new users main group.
      name: freckles
      uid: 1111
      group: freckles
      gid: 1111

      short_help: The name of the user to create.
    type: string
    required: true
    empty: false
      metavar: USER_NAME
      param_type: argument
      short_help: The uid of the user to create (optional).
    type: integer
    required: false
      metavar: UID
      short_help: The name of the users main group.
    type: string
    required: false
    empty: false
      metavar: GROUP_NAME
      short_help: The GID of the users main group (optional).
    type: integer
    required: false
      metavar: GID
      short_help: Whether the user to create (and potentially group) should be created
        as system user.
    type: boolean
    required: false
    default: false
      show_default: true
      is_flag: true
#  password:
#    doc:
#      short_help: "The crypted user password."
#      help: |
#        This sets the users password. If not provided, the user won't be able to login via password auth, and can't do
#        sudo if passwordless sudo is not configured.
#      references:
#        - "[password encryption]("
#    type: string
#    required: false
#    cli:
#      metavar: PWD
      short_help: The user password in plain text.
      help: |
        This sets the users password. The user input will be sha512-hashed before forwareded to the connector.

        If not provided, the user won't be able to login via password auth, and can't do
        sudo if passwordless sudo is not configured.
    type: string
    required: false
    secret: true
      metavar: PWD
      short_help: The users default shell.
    type: string
    required: false
    default: /bin/bash

  - user
  - user-management
  - system

- group-exists:
    group: '{{:: group ::}}'
    gid: '{{:: gid ::}}'
    system: '{{:: system_user ::}}'
    frecklet::skip: '{{:: group | true_if_empty ::}}'

- frecklet:
    name: user
    type: ansible-module
      short: "ensure user '{{:: name ::}}' exists"
      long: |
        {%:: if name == 'root' ::%}No need to do anything, user 'root' always exists.
        {%:: else ::%}Create user '{{:: name ::}}' on the target system{%:: if uid ::%}, using the user id '{{:: uid ::}}'{%:: endif ::%}.
        {%:: if group ::%}Set the users main group to be '{{:: group ::}}'.{%:: endif ::%}
        {%:: if system_user ::%}The new user should be a system user.{%:: endif ::%}

        {%:: if shell and shell != "/bin/bash" ::%}Set the users shell to be '{{:: shell ::}}'{%:: endif ::%}{%:: endif ::%}
        "'useradd' tutorial (tecmint)":
        "'user' Ansible module":
      idempotent: true
      elevated: true
      internet: false
    become: true
    name: '{{:: name ::}}'
    state: present
    groups: '{{:: group ::}}'
    append: true
    uid: '{{:: uid ::}}'
    system: '{{:: system_user ::}}'
    password: '{{:: password | sha512_crypt ::}}'
    shell: '{{:: shell ::}}'
frecklecute user-exists --help

Usage: frecklecute user-exists [OPTIONS] USER_NAME

  Ensure a user exists on a system.

  If no ``password`` argument is provided, the created user won't be able do
  login via ssh via password auth, and they won't be able to do sudo if
  passwordless sudo is not enabled for the user.

  This task allows for providing the password in plain text. It will

  Optionally, you can specify UID, main group and GID of the user. If the
  ``group`` var is specified, a corresponding group will be created if it
  doesn't exist yet.

  --gid GID                       The GID of the users main group (optional).
  --group GROUP_NAME              The name of the users main group.
  --password PWD                  The user password in plain text.
  --shell SHELL                   The users default shell.
  --system-user / --no-system-user
                                  Whether the user to create (and potentially
                                  group) should be created as system user.
  --uid UID                       The uid of the user to create (optional).
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.user_exists.UserExists

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class UserExists(AutoPycklet):
    """Ensure a user exists on a system.

     If no ``password`` argument is provided, the created user won't be able do login via ssh via
     password auth, and they won't be able to do sudo if passwordless sudo is not enabled for the user.

     This task allows for providing the password in plain text. It will

     Optionally, you can specify UID, main group and GID of the user.
     If the ``group`` var is specified, a corresponding group will be created if it doesn't exist yet.

         gid: The GID of the users main group (optional).
         group: The name of the users main group.
         name: The name of the user to create.
         password: The user password in plain text.
         shell: The users default shell.
         system_user: Whether the user to create (and potentially group) should be created as system user.
         uid: The uid of the user to create (optional).


    FRECKLET_ID = "user-exists"

    gid: int = None
    group: str = None
    name: str = None
    password: str = None
    shell: str = None
    system_user: bool = None
    uid: int = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(UserExists, self).__init__(var_names=["gid", "group", "name", "password", "shell", "system_user", "uid"])

frecklet_class = UserExists
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.user_exists.UserExists

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class UserExists(AutoPycklet):
    """Ensure a user exists on a system.

     If no ``password`` argument is provided, the created user won't be able do login via ssh via
     password auth, and they won't be able to do sudo if passwordless sudo is not enabled for the user.

     This task allows for providing the password in plain text. It will

     Optionally, you can specify UID, main group and GID of the user.
     If the ``group`` var is specified, a corresponding group will be created if it doesn't exist yet.

         gid: The GID of the users main group (optional).
         group: The name of the users main group.
         name: The name of the user to create.
         password: The user password in plain text.
         shell: The users default shell.
         system_user: Whether the user to create (and potentially group) should be created as system user.
         uid: The uid of the user to create (optional).


    FRECKLET_ID = "user-exists"

    def __init__(self, gid=None, group=None, name=None, password=None, shell="/bin/bash", system_user=None, uid=None):

        super(UserExists, self).__init__(var_names=["gid", "group", "name", "password", "shell", "system_user", "uid"])
        self._gid = gid
        self._group = group
        self._name = name
        self._password = password
        self._shell = shell
        self._system_user = system_user
        self._uid = uid

    def gid(self):
        return self._gid

    def gid(self, gid):
        self._gid = gid

    def group(self):
        return self._group

    def group(self, group):
        self._group = group

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def password(self):
        return self._password

    def password(self, password):
        self._password = password

    def shell(self):
        return self._shell

    def shell(self, shell):
        self._shell = shell

    def system_user(self):
        return self._system_user

    def system_user(self, system_user):
        self._system_user = system_user

    def uid(self):
        return self._uid

    def uid(self, uid):
        self._uid = uid

frecklet_class = UserExists