
frecklets are building blocks for the freckles framework. Each frecklet is designed to achieve one, fairly narrowly defined, purpose. This can be a small, atomic operation like 'create a directory', or something quite involved, like: 'setup a standalone Wordpress server'.

At their core, frecklets are either list- or dictionary-type data structures, with a sort of 'loose' schema.

Most commonly, a frecklet is a text file in YAML format. Other formats like JSON or TOML are also supported, and, if used within an application, a frecklet can be just a list, or a dict in whatever programming language is used.

Here are some resources to find out more about frecklets, how they are called, work, and look like:

Getting started
The recommended guide to get started with using freckles. Read this first.
The evolution of a frecklet
How to write a frecklet. Discusses the different ways a frecklet can be implemented, from the most simple and easy, to most feature-full and flexible.
The anatomy of a frecklet
For when you want to create your own, non-trivial frecklets. Non essential reading if you just want to use freckles to run existing frecklets, or cobble together a few simple ones of your own.
Depending on the adapter used, freckles can be accompanied by adapter-specific resources. In the case of the default 'nsbl' adapter, that would be Ansible roles and task-lists. This page gives a bit of background how that works.
Default frecklet index
The repository containing the default set of frecklets that which is included in the freckles application.
Community frecklet index
The repository containing a frecklets that were created, improved and maintained by the community.