

Create an instance on Amazon EC2, if it doesn't exist yet.

For now, the 'instance_name' variable is required, because otherwise the underlying Ansible module errors out if no tags dict (or an empty one) is provided. Need to investigate how to do this best.


Name Type Default Description


string --

The Name tag for the instance. Required


string --

The AWS region to use. Required


string --

The AWS access key.


string --

The AWS secret key.


string ami-08d658f84a6d84a80

An image to use for the instance.


string t2.micro

Instance type to use for the instance.


string --

Name of the SSH access key to assign to the instance - must exist in the region the instance is created.


string ec2_instance

The name of the variable to register the result of this frecklet.


list --

A list of security group IDs or names (strings).


dict --

A hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new instance or to add/remove from an existing one.


boolean True

Wait for the instance to be created.

If set to 'false', no result will be registered as the details of this instance won't be known.


integer 600

How long to wait (in seconds) for the instance to finish booting/terminating.


  short_help: Create an instance on Amazon EC2, if it doesn't exist yet.
  help: |
    Create an instance on Amazon EC2, if it doesn't exist yet.

    For now, the 'instance_name' variable is required, because otherwise the underlying Ansible module errors out if no tags dict (or an empty one) is provided. Need to investigate how to do this best.

      short_help: The Name tag for the instance.
    type: string
    required: true
      short_help: The AWS access key.
    type: string
    required: false
      short_help: The AWS secret key.
    type: string
    secret: true
    required: false
      short_help: A list of security group IDs or names (strings).
    type: list
      type: string
    empty: true
    required: false
      - --security-group
      - -g
      short_help: The AWS region to use.
        AWS region documentation:
    type: string
    required: true
      short_help: Instance type to use for the instance.
        AWS instance type documentation:
    type: string
    default: t2.micro
      short_help: An image to use for the instance.
    required: true
    type: string
    default: ami-08d658f84a6d84a80
      short_help: Name of the SSH access key to assign to the instance - must exist
        in the region the instance is created.
    type: string
    required: false
      short_help: The name of the variable to register the result of this frecklet.
    type: string
    required: false
    default: ec2_instance
      metavar: VAR_NAME
      short_help: Wait for the instance to be created.
      help: |
        Wait for the instance to be created.

        If set to 'false', no result will be registered as the details of this instance won't be known.
    type: boolean
    required: false
    default: true
      short_help: How long to wait (in seconds) for the instance to finish booting/terminating.
    type: integer
    required: false
    default: 600
      short_help: A hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new instance or to add/remove
        from an existing one.
    type: dict
    required: false
    empty: false

- frecklet:
    name: ec2_instance
    type: ansible-module
      elevated: false
      idempotent: true
      internet: true
      target: '{{:: register_target ::}}'
      value: '{{ __result__.instances[0] }}'
      short: "create EC2 '{{:: instance_type ::}}' instance"
      - boto
      - boto3
      - botocore
    include-type: include
    delegate_to: localhost
    name: '{{:: instance_name ::}}'
    aws_access_key: '{{:: aws_access_key ::}}'
    aws_secret_key: '{{:: aws_secret_key ::}}'
    security_groups: '{{:: security_groups ::}}'
    region: '{{:: region ::}}'
    instance_type: '{{:: instance_type ::}}'
    image_id: '{{:: image_id ::}}'
    key_name: '{{:: key_name ::}}'
    wait: '{{:: wait ::}}'
    wait_timeout: '{{:: wait_timeout ::}}'
    state: running
    tags: '{{:: tags ::}}'
frecklecute --community ec2-instance-exists --help

Usage: frecklecute ec2-instance-exists [OPTIONS]

  Create an instance on Amazon EC2, if it doesn't exist yet.

  For now, the 'instance_name' variable is required, because otherwise the
  underlying Ansible module errors out if no tags dict (or an empty one) is
  provided. Need to investigate how to do this best.

  --instance-name INSTANCE_NAME   The Name tag for the instance.  [required]
  --region REGION                 The AWS region to use.  [required]
  --aws-access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY
                                  The AWS access key.
  --aws-secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY
                                  The AWS secret key.
  --image-id IMAGE_ID             An image to use for the instance.
  --instance-type INSTANCE_TYPE   Instance type to use for the instance.
  --key-name KEY_NAME             Name of the SSH access key to assign to the
                                  instance - must exist in the region the
                                  instance is created.
  --register-target VAR_NAME      The name of the variable to register the
                                  result of this frecklet.
  -g, --security-group SECURITY_GROUPS
                                  A list of security group IDs or names
  --tags TAGS                     A hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new
                                  instance or to add/remove from an existing
  --wait / --no-wait              Wait for the instance to be created.
  --wait-timeout WAIT_TIMEOUT     How long to wait (in seconds) for the
                                  instance to finish booting/terminating.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.ec2_instance_exists.Ec2InstanceExists

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pyckles import AutoPycklet
from typing import *    # noqa

class Ec2InstanceExists(AutoPycklet):
    """Create an instance on Amazon EC2, if it doesn't exist yet.

     For now, the 'instance_name' variable is required, because otherwise the underlying Ansible module errors out if no tags dict (or an empty one) is provided. Need to investigate how to do this best.

         aws_access_key: The AWS access key.
         aws_secret_key: The AWS secret key.
         image_id: An image to use for the instance.
         instance_name: The Name tag for the instance.
         instance_type: Instance type to use for the instance.
         key_name: Name of the SSH access key to assign to the instance - must exist in the region the instance is created.
         region: The AWS region to use.
         register_target: The name of the variable to register the result of this frecklet.
         security_groups: A list of security group IDs or names (strings).
         tags: A hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new instance or to add/remove from an existing one.
         wait: Wait for the instance to be created.
         wait_timeout: How long to wait (in seconds) for the instance to finish booting/terminating.


    FRECKLET_ID = "ec2-instance-exists"

    aws_access_key: str = None
    aws_secret_key: str = None
    image_id: str = None
    instance_name: str = None
    instance_type: str = None
    key_name: str = None
    region: str = None
    register_target: str = None
    security_groups: List = None
    tags: Dict = None
    wait: bool = None
    wait_timeout: int = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        super(Ec2InstanceExists, self).__init__(var_names=["aws_access_key", "aws_secret_key", "image_id", "instance_name", "instance_type", "key_name", "region", "register_target", "security_groups", "tags", "wait", "wait_timeout"])

frecklet_class = Ec2InstanceExists
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# module path: pycklets.ec2_instance_exists.Ec2InstanceExists

from pyckles import AutoPycklet

class Ec2InstanceExists(AutoPycklet):
    """Create an instance on Amazon EC2, if it doesn't exist yet.

     For now, the 'instance_name' variable is required, because otherwise the underlying Ansible module errors out if no tags dict (or an empty one) is provided. Need to investigate how to do this best.

         aws_access_key: The AWS access key.
         aws_secret_key: The AWS secret key.
         image_id: An image to use for the instance.
         instance_name: The Name tag for the instance.
         instance_type: Instance type to use for the instance.
         key_name: Name of the SSH access key to assign to the instance - must exist in the region the instance is created.
         region: The AWS region to use.
         register_target: The name of the variable to register the result of this frecklet.
         security_groups: A list of security group IDs or names (strings).
         tags: A hash/dictionary of tags to add to the new instance or to add/remove from an existing one.
         wait: Wait for the instance to be created.
         wait_timeout: How long to wait (in seconds) for the instance to finish booting/terminating.


    FRECKLET_ID = "ec2-instance-exists"

    def __init__(self, aws_access_key=None, aws_secret_key=None, image_id="ami-08d658f84a6d84a80", instance_name=None, instance_type="t2.micro", key_name=None, region=None, register_target="ec2_instance", security_groups=None, tags=None, wait=True, wait_timeout=600):

        super(Ec2InstanceExists, self).__init__(var_names=["aws_access_key", "aws_secret_key", "image_id", "instance_name", "instance_type", "key_name", "region", "register_target", "security_groups", "tags", "wait", "wait_timeout"])
        self._aws_access_key = aws_access_key
        self._aws_secret_key = aws_secret_key
        self._image_id = image_id
        self._instance_name = instance_name
        self._instance_type = instance_type
        self._key_name = key_name
        self._region = region
        self._register_target = register_target
        self._security_groups = security_groups
        self._tags = tags
        self._wait = wait
        self._wait_timeout = wait_timeout

    def aws_access_key(self):
        return self._aws_access_key

    def aws_access_key(self, aws_access_key):
        self._aws_access_key = aws_access_key

    def aws_secret_key(self):
        return self._aws_secret_key

    def aws_secret_key(self, aws_secret_key):
        self._aws_secret_key = aws_secret_key

    def image_id(self):
        return self._image_id

    def image_id(self, image_id):
        self._image_id = image_id

    def instance_name(self):
        return self._instance_name

    def instance_name(self, instance_name):
        self._instance_name = instance_name

    def instance_type(self):
        return self._instance_type

    def instance_type(self, instance_type):
        self._instance_type = instance_type

    def key_name(self):
        return self._key_name

    def key_name(self, key_name):
        self._key_name = key_name

    def region(self):
        return self._region

    def region(self, region):
        self._region = region

    def register_target(self):
        return self._register_target

    def register_target(self, register_target):
        self._register_target = register_target

    def security_groups(self):
        return self._security_groups

    def security_groups(self, security_groups):
        self._security_groups = security_groups

    def tags(self):
        return self._tags

    def tags(self, tags):
        self._tags = tags

    def wait(self):
        return self._wait

    def wait(self, wait):
        self._wait = wait

    def wait_timeout(self):
        return self._wait_timeout

    def wait_timeout(self, wait_timeout):
        self._wait_timeout = wait_timeout

frecklet_class = Ec2InstanceExists